British Embassy supports establishment of open data national portal in Macedonia as part of public administration reform. Source: UK & Macedonia
British Embassy provides programme support to develop guidelines for parliamentary committees to perform quality oversight of security and intelligence organisations. Source: UK & Macedonia
World news story: Working with Macedonia and partners on intelligence ...
Strengthening Western Balkans Regional Chevening Network by tackling common regional democratic challenges. Source: UK & Macedonia
World news story: Regional Chevening conference in Montenegro
The importance of investment in the education of the youngest generations was the central message sent at the workshop launching the support that the UK is providing to UNICEF’s work in Macedonia in the next two years. Our Deputy Ambassador Dominic Otway spoke at the official opening of the workshop […]
World news story: Supporting Macedonia to build quality pre-school education
Programme summaries give an overview of each Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) programmes at beginning of each financial year. They explain what support the CSSF is providing and why it is needed, stating: where the programme is working what it is trying to achieve the budget the programme length […]
Policy paper: Conflict, Stability and Security Fund: programme summaries for ...
On 11 November we paid tribute to the ones who have lost their lives in war and military conflicts with a Service of Remembrance at the British Military Cemeteries in Skopje. Our ambassador Rachel Galloway, Defence Attache Lt Col Andrew Layton, representatives of the Ministry of Defence of Macedonia and […]
World news story: Armistice Day – Service of Remembrance in ...
With British and Dutch support today, the office of the National Coordinator for Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism in Macedonia has launched a programme aimed at strengthening the capacity of municipalities to combat violent extremism. Our ambassador Rachel Galloway spoke at the official launch of the programme along with the […]
World news story: Supporting Macedonia in fighting violent extremism
On 16 and 17 October, representatives from Western Balkans customs administrations met in Macedonia to discuss the challenges of the region, improving cooperation and tackling common threats. Joint conclusion of the meeting was that timely and efficient exchange of information at national and regional level would help tackle the shared […]
World news story: Combining efforts to fight common threats in ...
Open and inclusive debate on the tax policy that a country should have is an important process for designing policies that would fit the needs of its citizens. This was among the messages at the expert panel debate organised by Finance Think, a think tank organisation that has broad experience […]
World news story: Fiscal transparency for better policies in Macedonia
At yesterday’s referendum in Macedonia voters showed their desire to resolve the long-standing dispute with neighbouring Greece over the country’s name and take a positive step towards Euro-Atlantic integration. If implemented, the Prespa Agreement would improve stability in Macedonia and the wider region. Speaking after the vote, the Foreign Secretary […]